Thursday, October 3, 2013

What is an animal rescuer?

What is an animal rescuer? 

You would be surprised how many people look at me in pity..or sadness when I say I do rescue. I'm ill and about to die.  Or, maybe like I have an infectious disease they are about to catch if they get too close.  HELLO!  I'm not ill people!  Yes, as a rescuer we do all share a very specific "condition".  No, there is no cure.  We all have hearts that are way too big.  Pocket books that are considerably SMALLER than these gigantic hearts.

We have some kind of blinders that form over our we see that black cat with one eye, that pit bull who's missing nothing short of PERFECT.  Beautiful.  A being who deserves to live and be happy.  Now, can you tell me that this "condition" we animal rescuers it such a bad thing?  You can't tell me a kitty purring, or the cute head tilt of a dog isn't kryptonite to you too.  If it's not-you are the one who's got problems, honey!

Here is the real scoop about rescuers.

We have a hard time saying NO.  And when we do, it's physically painful.  We cry and feel guilty for days.  Weeks.  Heck, forever because the calls and messages just keep pouring in.

We see every sweet face..with big eyes..and fuzzy ears..and want to save them.  Because..WHY not that one?!  He deserves to live!  She didn't choose to be dumped in a shelter!  But we can't save them all.  And the faces we can not save haunt us.  So, please forgive us when you contact us with a LEGIT reason to rehome your pet..we will give you lots of other options..heck we might even seem a little short.  But know that our hearts are broken all day long...we just want to help one more furbaby stay in their home.  If I ever have a night I am not haunted by the faces of animals I can not save, I"ll let you know.  But since the very first moment I realized I had a place in rescue...a "calling"...I'll never forget those faces.   But thankfully the amazing success stories and finding wonderful homes keeps us going.  THANK YOU to those who choose adoption. Recycled pets totally rock.

We go in the hole (happily) with every foster.  You just can't get all the funds back you put into a foster-but if you find someone willing to pay $798 for a 5 year old black cat, you just let me know.

We will skip dinner with our family just to meet up with a potential adopter, and not think twice.  Did I mention we don't get paid?  Did this twice this week already.  And in case you are wondering, YES wine and popcorn at 8:30pm does count as dinner.

We know that at least once a week one of the 3 P's will appear in our house at some point.  (Pee, Poo & Puke.)  And always on a RUG or CARPET.  Luckily it's usually just the 3rd "P".  Is it sad I'm happy when it's just puke?

We know, accept and LIVE the fact that every new foster will have an interesting "starter period" where they are more work than a newborn baby.  We set our alarms and take them outside to potty, spend endless hours on training, becoming zombies..yet somehow continue to do our normal every day chores, jobs.. keep up with our own pets, and of course continue to work with our fosters.  Oh, and taming feral kittens is equally fun!  No really-you should try it.  The first PURR you hear will melt your heart.

We know that once we get past the first few weeks that we will have already fallen madly in love with our fosters (usually before the end of day one).  You have to love them as your OWN to rehabilitate them.  Every adoption is like giving up a personal pet.  It's HARD.  I cry every single time, I actually cry THINKING about adopting out my foster Pit Bull Sasha...she's a doll.  I keep thinking it's going to get easier..or maybe I'll get used to it.  But I've done over 100 adoptions now.  I just make sure to bring a few tissues with me, and try to keep it together at LEAST until I get to the car.  But I won't lie, there have been quite a few times the adopters are hugging ME, and apologizing for adopting my babies.  It's a happy cry, but it hurts our hearts.  This is why we so appreciate photos and updates...there is no greater thing!!
                                                  Foster Sasha, and "foster failure" Kasey.
We are beyond a first name basis with our vets office..I think my vet knows the sound of my breathing.  If I don't go there once a week I fear they might send a search party.

We buy more food and pet supplies than Petco stocks in one day.  Or, so it seems.  It's pretty close.

We have NO problem telling someone they need to get their animal fixed.  Even if they are three times my size, with two unaltered Rottweilers..who are wearing prong collars.  And yes, I'll discuss those collars too.  I am tiny, and mighty.  (Rescuers don't have capes, but don't think we are not super heroes!)

We will talk to you too long..and give you WAY too much information about our fosters.  But please bear with us.  They are like our children..and we are proud.  We love them.  We saved them from bad situations..and we want to be darn sure that your home is nothing short of ROYALTY for them.  So hang patient.  It's hard for us to part with them.  Yeah, we are a little bit on the crazy side-but it's not a window licking crazy.  Just a "wee too much cat hair in our tea" kind of crazy.  Totally harmless.

We have connections.  Animal connections.  It's kind of like the mafia, but way more fuzzy.  If you have questions or need anything..hit us up.  Again, we are pretty much super heroes-we've got you covered.

The moral is..don't feel sorry for US.  Feel sorry for the ANIMALS.  But don't sit on your bum and feel sorry.  Get up.  Donate, volunteer, network.  ADOPT, FOSTER.  Donate locally, pick a local shelter or rescue to send your old unwanted stuff to.  Or, surely you have a friend who does rescue?  If not-pick better friends!  (Just kidding, no REALLY, find a find who does rescue!)  We are fighting an uphill battle.  We are fighting for those who can not speak for themselves-so we speak for them.  If they could they'd ask you to open your heart..and help us make a difference.  You may only be ONE.  But even if you save just one life of a homeless pet-that makes you a hero.  And the world can sure use a few more of you.

CHOSE ADOPTION.  Support your local rescues/shelters.  SPAY AND NEUTER.  Love a furry face.  Love them for LIFE.  Be part of the solution.

Purrs and Butt Wiggles,
Kitties & Kritters