Monday, June 24, 2013

The outgoing cat isn't always "the one"!

I've got a cat I rescued from the shelter, who is very shy. He doesn't come out when people visit usually. He is scared of loud noises. He isn't fond of the kids when they are actively playing. He isn't really a lap cat, and doesn't usually seek out affection, though he is always up for a petting session. He spends most of his day sleeping on my bed.  (He is actually getting much more social...after well over a year with us!)
What he DOES do, is sleep with my 3 year old. He knows the routine, and is always sitting on her bed waiting. They snuggle together (she is 32lb..and he is 17lb!), and he's helped her overcome her fear of the dark. Every nap she takes..and every night at bedtime..he is there for her. 
I know people only are drawn to the really outgoing cats-but the shy, more timid cats still have a lot to give! We love our Kenai, and wouldn't trade him for the world. He's a happy..yet very lazy boy. And he is a SUPER HERO to my daughter. ♥
 ~Stephanie, Kitties & Kritters
P.S. Stay open minded when choosing a new pet...the RIGHT pet will CHOOSE YOU!

How to find the PERFECT rescued dog.

I spent the first 5 days after rescuing Kasey in a complete panic attack. Not only was she terrifying and out of control..the people who were going to help bailed on me, and she had big vet bills before I even MET her. 
 I spent the first three months trying to find her a home while struggling with her skin/allergy/anxiety/behavior issues. There were a lot of tears, a lot of heartache, big vet bills...and still no one wanted her. But somehow during the chaos, stress and hopelessness I felt...a bond was created between the two of us. One that helped Kasey know TRUST. Love. And after her fourth month here...even though the battle with her allergies, medical issues and anxiety were nowhere NEAR done...I knew she was here to stay. 
Rescuing a dog is NOT easy sometimes. Not every dog comes into your home "perfect". Kasey had a hard life before..she was abused..neglected..dumped..over bred. Her medical issues caused her pain and discomfort. It's no wonder she was so anxious. Her aggression went away the moment she learned she could trust my family and I. But had we not battled all of this TOGETHER the bond between us wouldn't be the same. Wouldn't be as strong. 
I'm not saying your perfect dog doesn't love you. But what I AM saying is: DON'T GIVE UP ON AN ANIMAL WITH ISSUES. Because they DO deserve your love. Your time. Your trust. They DO come around. They come to us with broken hearts..and it's OUR JOB to fix it. 

I would never have found my doggy soul mate had things gone differently. I don't think most people would have even given her a chance. Kasey is honestly the best and most loyal dog I've EVER had in my life. I will cherish every day I have with her..I'm thankful our paths crossed..and even more thankful for the amazing friends who helped me save her. It takes an army!
 ~Stephanie, Kitties & Kritters
 P.S.  Don't give up, they need us.  

Why am I against breeding you ask?

My rant for the day. I am against breeding. 

WHY? You think just a few litters is no big deal? You think you love YOUR dog so much you need more? You love a breed so much you dedicate your life to breeding them? Unfortunately too many "breeders" don't care about genetics. They pass on awful health conditions, behavior issues..and simply don't care. Keep them crated in filth..never allow them to run and play...TOUCH GRASS..have human interaction. They don't care about shots or deworming..flea treatment..heartworm preventative. All they see are DOLLAR SIGNS. 

Kasey for instance was bred, GOD knows how many times. She has horrible food and skin allergies. Her puppies likely have the same issues. Do you think the owners who "bought" those puppies are spending the thousands I've spent on helping her overcome those issues? Perhaps some, but not all. 

She had to have three nipples REMOVED because they were infected and causing her such discomfort. Also she was bred SO many times she often loses her bladder. Yes, she dribbles pee when she stands up. She can't help it..she had TOO MANY BABIES. Now she is on a special hormone medication to help with the issue, but still will probably end up in diapers some day. 

Do you suppose the other BREEDER MOM dogs are treated as well as Kasey? NO, they are tossed outside, no one even cares or NOTICES they are having issues. 

 Kasey is also what "breeders" like to call a DESIGNER BREED. Which is a fancy way of saying an on-purpose MUTT. That's right I said it. Your Yorkie Poo, Chi-Weenies..they are all MUTTS, bred without a license in someones back yard. SORRY. Kasey's "Designer Breed" is called a Bull Pointer. 

Anyway, that's a rant for another day. This is in a nutshell, why I am against irresponsible breeders! Save your arguments about the FEW decent breeders for someone else's eyes. 

 Phew. Venting is necessary. Now off to spend some quality time with my flipping AWESOME rescued dog, who is NO LONGER forced to make someone money by being over bred!

Kitties & Kritters 

**Please excuse all the cute else am I going to show off my cutie pie!  ;)  For "before pics" of Kasey, few my previous blog entry.  She is looking FABULOUS thanks to allergy testing..and lots of patience!  The right food and allergy shots are the most important...along with the rest of her daily meds/vitamins!